Independent Escort

Cologne  -  Düsseldorf  -  Frankfurt

"Denke oft an das, was Du gesagt hast... mit dem Urlaub. Ich bin wirklich urlaubsreif und Du bist meine Erholung. Das war ein sehr guter Vergleich. Ohne dieses ganze Drumherum. Es ist einfach genau das!"
"Und nach unserer ersten Umarmung im Zimmer hast Du es im nu geschafft, auch das letzte bisschen Scheu oder Unsicherheit wegzublasen. Und das nicht nur im wörtlichen Sinn, sondern eigentlich schon, als Du mit dem Überstreifen Deines Kleides den Startschuss gegeben hast. … Du bist wirklich eine außergewöhnliche, gebildete, humorvolle und natürlich auch begehrenswerte Frau, mit der man auch zwischendrin über ganz andere Dinge reden kann ohne die Magie des Momentes zu stören. Gut, dass ich DICH gefunden habe!"
"Helena ist eine sehr bemerkenswerte Frau, die auf den ersten Blick einem ein Lächeln ins Gesicht zaubert, weil Sie so unkonventionell ist… und direkt, pur..."
"Helena strahlt mehr eine sexy-sympathische Bekannte aus, mit der man schon immer gerne was angefangen hätte, als eine High Class Escort, gerade das stellte für mich einen besonderen Reiz dar. … Es ging sehr intensiv, ausdauernd, feucht, laut und auch ein wenig dreckig in allen Girlfriend-Sex-Spielarten zur Sache und unsere Zimmernachbarn waren um ihren Schlaf nicht zu beneiden."
"Helena ist 'anders'. Sicher nicht die 'klassische' Escort-Dame. Schon gar nicht ein gestyltes Püppchen. Dafür sehr offen, absolut authentisch und mitten in einem bunten und selbstbestimmten Leben. Auch wenn sie eine devote Ader hat, kann man(n) sie nicht verbiegen und zu nichts überreden. Es muss passen. Für beide. Das ist allerdings gar nicht schwer, denn Helena ist sehr offen, sehr lässig und vor allem voller Freude am Sex. Sie ist absolut cool und das macht sie hot."
"Es fühlt sich wie ein Traum an. Wenn ich die Augen schließe, sehe ich dich vor mir. Ich kann dich noch riechen, schmecken, fühlen. Es war unendlich schön mit dir. Du bist eine wirklich sinnliche, sexy Frau und auch die Gespräche mit dir haben mir sehr viel Spaß gemacht. Irgendwann werde ich dich wiedersehen müssen..."
I'm not a luxury girl. I'm the girl next door. Myself being into fashion big-time, I have my own, alternative style. High heels don't exist in my shoe rack. For our very first encounter I prefer the informal walk in the park over champagne in some ritzy bar.

I do love good food with a glass of wine in a nice atmosphere. Here conversation may truly turn private and you may forget how we actually met.

Born in Cologne I know the best breweries, the cosiest cinemas and the coolest clubs in town. I genuinely like people! I'm interested in the person and the character I meet. In his biography, his views on life. Not to be judgemental, but to enjoy the exchange and to get to know someone. Building a connection with each other, creating and sharing sensual curiosity and excitement are my goals. That way I'm authentic and authentically at my best.

Sometimes I want to be led, sometimes I just take what I want. It depends on our interaction and how we match together. There won't be a script and I won't offer a show. I want to touch and want to be touched, want to come close and want to feel you. I'm the sweet girl as well as the naughty one. Leave your everyday life and enjoy the pleasure of our date in your hotel room. I want to make the most of our desire and it incites me to see you enjoying it. I like to be as passionate as if I were yours...
I'd love to meet you! And have us meet as equals. It is not important whether you already have previous experience dating escorts or if this all new for you. Maybe so far you had no sexual encounters, maybe after a long time you really want to feel intimacy again or explore new possibilities. Just feel comfortable with and yourself. There are no expectations, only very good chances of a good time and new horizons.

One of my passions is to truly meet new people and getting to know them. Regardless of who you are, your age, your status, etc. Shy IT nerds are just as welcome as the self-aware CEO. Or as a matter of fact something between the two, b/c this is only about cliche and prejudice and has nothing to say about the person.

In case you have any kind of disablity, don't hesitate to contact me. I am looking forward to getting fully involved with you, you might have to give me a little help though. I do not offer traditional sexual assistance.

I cannot offer psychotherapy if your sex life suffers from mental issues, however I do have some background as I study for a certification in sexual therapy.

age:early 40s
height:168 cm (5'5'')
weight:62 kg (137 lb)
clothing size:8
bra size:38B
style:casual, stylish
hobbies:cooking, horse riding, travelling (Iceland, Norway, Scotland, Netherlands), cinema, running
age:early 40s
height:168 cm (5'5'')
weight:62 kg (137 lb)
clothing size:8
bra size:38B
style:casual, stylish
hobbies:cooking, horse riding, travelling (Iceland, Norway, Scotland, Netherlands), cinema, running
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Helena Hetaira Independent Escort Cologne / Köln Frankfurt Düsseldorf catsuit bathtub birdview
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Helena Hetaira Independent Escort Cologne / Köln Frankfurt Düsseldorf legs bathtub
Helena Hetaira Independent Escort Cologne / Köln Frankfurt Düsseldorf legs bathtub
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Helena Hetaira Independent Escort Cologne / Köln Frankfurt Düsseldorf couch lingerie side
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Helena Hetaira Independent Escort Cologne / Köln Frankfurt Düsseldorf lingerie body front
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Helena Hetaira Independent Escort Cologne / Köln Frankfurt Düsseldorf couch lingerie side
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Helena Hetaira Independent Escort Cologne / Köln Frankfurt Düsseldorf lingerie body front
Just Wanna Dance The Night Away

2 hrs 300 €
Dinner, sauna, going to the movies, dancing the night away, techno beats, hours of entertaining and/or deep conversations or anything else you would like to indulge in besides sex.
Let The Music Play

2 hrs 600 €
3 hrs 730 €
4 hrs 850 €
6 hrs 1050 €
After a drink at the bar or dinner in a restaurant we can begin our adventure. Let me figure out which buttons to push and desires to please or maybe create?
Kissing, lots of passion and the feeling that it's just right...
Keep The Music Strong

12 hrs 1450 €
15 hrs 1650 €
24 hrs 2400 €
48 hrs 4300 €
You prefer to spend extra time with me, start our date dining out, share a fun and exciting evening and sensual night, fall asleep together and enjoy the morning after breakfast in bed?
Being yours with your desire as my reward truly get me!
(only string attached: I need a min. of 6 hours of sleep ;-))
Baby, I wanna see you now
travel expenses
Cologne is my homebase, so no travel costs apply for dates within the city limits.
For dates in other locations I will consult you to imburse me in a fair and transparent manner for the effective(!) expenses and duration of my trip to you.

Choose your plot

Do you need some inspiration for our date? Are you in the mood to try something new besides dinner and sex? Or maybe you are feeling insecure and would like to take it slow? In this category you can find ideas that will let us explore sexual scenarios together.

Sensual Touch Heidi & Helena

In the hours ahead we want to touch you, excite you and take you to places where you have never been before. This is all about you and your experience. No pressure, no specific goals to "achieve"!

The journey to relaxation begins with an easing and meditative sound bath. Let it go and exclusively focus on yourself.
Following the sound bath we will massage you. There are different styles of getting touched. Ours is dedicative and sensuous. Our entire focus is you. Sense our bodies next to yours. Feel desired, absorb the attention given to you, be passive if you like and consume your own lust.

Drop your inhibitions and let yourself flow. Ride the wave that was created only for the purpose to please you. Be accepting and come if and when YOU want to!

If you like we will blindfold you to block all visual distractions for you to focus on the physical sensation.

Make sure the hotel room is big enough as we will need some room for this date! (3x3 meters of free space at least). Let me know if you'd like a recommendation for a hotel!

Sensual Touch Heidi & Helena 3.5 hrs: 900 € (20% advance payment)

Some of them want to get used by you

A door card is deposited at the reception for me to pick up. Your are awaiting me in your room, ready (and naked?). I am wearing red lipstick as I enter the room. Beneath my coat you spot a short latex dress. I am ready to use you...

Do you like me to tie your hands, cover your eyes...? You tell me in advance how far I am allowed to go. Apart from that, you are about to become the subject of MY sexual desire.

This is only one phantasy for a possible scenario where I take the lead. This kind of Independent Escort Date requires some communication in advance to make sure everybody's limits are respected. I am not a typical domina, but I love being in charge anyways. Especially do I like the feel of latex on my skin and to set the pace at the same time. Maybe I will first tease you or maybe not... I decide and you will not regret it!

Helena 3 hrs: 730 € (20% advance payment)

Double Feature Ben & Helena

Have you ever fancied having sex not with just one person, but several? Ben Nordmann and I would love to experience this adventure with you. No matter whether you are single or a couple. Lose yourself in the game of arousal and voyeurism. Gently, if you prefer. Be it due to being uncharted territory for you or b/c that's how you like it... Before our date we would like to jointly agree on your desires, your expectations as well as your and our limits.

Ben is passive towards men, however he is in for getting touched and receiving BJs. No kissing, anal intercourse and active touching by him.
Me - Helena - also consider myself more on the passive side with women, but I do like being active as well... Getting touched by two men or being engaged with both simultaneously is one of my favorite kinks. We also gladly make the phantasy of a swapping partners come true. All of us together, next to each other or in separate places.

Honorar Double Feature Ben & Helena 4 hrs: 1500 € (20% advance payment)
Honorar Double Feature Ben & Helena Overnight 14 hrs: 2500 € (20% advance payment)

Ben Nordmann's website

Don’t you, forget about me?

Imagine sex happening with no strings attached. You do not need to be experienced, nothing has "to work", you don not need to display any erectile performance, also you don't need to know how to arouse me and none of us has to necessarily climax. This is all about touching each other and initmacy – and about communication.

The room is cosy, lights and music are low. I welcome you at the door and we start off easy, talking about yourself, your experience and your expectations.

If you are unsure how you are supposed to touch me, I will show you. Explore my body, notice my reaction - I will guide you. When you are ready to be touched, tell me what feels good, am I going too fast? What is it that you don't like? We can have sex but we don't have to, as this is not the "goal". Get to know your own body, sending signals and reading mine.

For this Independent Escort Date 4 hours is a good time frame to acquaint us with each other. If you plan to stay in Cologne, I can visit you in your hotel. If you don't want to prepare anything and leave after our date, I will take care of the reservations.

Helena 4 hrs: 850 € (+ hotel in case I do the arrangements) (20% advance payment)

Striptease & Champagne Heidi & Helena

"This art's chastity gripped everybody's heart and penetrated the thick crust of prejudice...", a critic in Berlin once remarked during the 1920s, referring to the "Schönheitstänzerinnen" or beauty dancers of the time. Somebody mastering this art of dance to me means one of the most virgin kinds of erotic. This is the stuff lustful phantasies are made of.

Heidi, one of the most attractive women I personally know, has worked for two years in Australia as a dancer. The Minx Gentlemen's Club in the Sydney Central Business District is one of the best spots in town and the place to be after closing a profitable business deal.

Let's get immersed into Heidi's art of teasing. Submit yourself to her enchanting lap dance while I enjoy being the voyeur. You may only touch me. When that happens Heidi may become the voyeur... When Heidi leaves us after 3 hours, I will stay for another 2 hours. Let's take the chance and indulge in champagne, desire and your special Independent Escort date. Be sure to bring some small change for tips for Heide as a gentleman would. ;-)

Heads up for hotel reservations:
A dance pole is not mandatory to fully enjoy the exciting performance. A couch in the room is definitely a big plus.

Striptease & Champagne Heidi 3 hrs & Helena 5 hrs: 1350 € (20% advance payment)

The Breakfast Club

You are staying in Cologne and you fancy a special kind of wake-up service? The hotel elevator does not require a key card or you deposit one for me at the reception?

Freshen up a little, open the door wearing a bathrobe or maybe just naked. I will join you in bed and make this morning a little different before you head out to your appointments. I will cosy up to you, gently stroking your skin. You can feel my lips and hair on your body, while you slowly awake. Sweet kisses cover your neck and chest while I gradually move on top of you.

If you have a little more time (~2 hrs) on your hands, I will happily bring some croissants, marmelade, milk, etc. while coffee usually being part of the room service. If you are in a hurry, simply tell me to leave after "fully" waking up...

Helena 2 hrs: 600 € (20% advance payment)

Your Eyes Wide Shut Special
"And no dream is ever just a dream" - Bill
(click here for details)
Flexible dates
7 pm (3 hrs date)
Location: Cologne, Germany
Wanderlust and Star Gazing Special
Deenergize and enjoy
(click here for details)
March through May
3:30 pm (19 hrs date)
Location: Schleiden, Germany
FC Viktoria Köln Football Special
"Football is like chess, without dice" Lukas Podolski
(click here for details)
Wed, 03/12/2025
6:30 pm (3 hrs social date or 5 hrs date)
Sat, 04/12/2025
1:30 pm (3 hrs social date or 5 hrs date)
Location: Cologne, Germany
Phantasialand Special
Not for people with kinetosis. Roller coaster and freefall tower mandatory ;-)
(click here for details)
Flexible dates
2 pm (20 hrs date)
Location: Brühl, Germany
Heidi und Helena Gaming Night Special
Strip Siedler or Hot Hitster?
(click here for details)
March through May
6 pm (4 hrs date)
Location: Cologne, Germany
Helena Hetaira Independent Escort Cologne / Köln Frankfurt Düsseldorf twitter link

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Sexwork – The Podcast

We finally did it! We started out saying "Shouldn't we...?" or "Isn't everbody doing it?" until we arrived at "What the heck, we really want to do it and we have got nothing to lose!". Now here it is: our podcast!

Kai and I are service workers in the field of sexuality. He as an instructor and advisor, myself as an escort. Where we agree and where we don't is what we discuss, covering a wide range of topic sometimes including guests in this podcast.

Podcast Sexwork
You can find the links to our podcast (Spotify, Apple Podcasts etc.) on our website.

Geliebte auf Zeit Podcast

Fabulous Luisa has already invited me twice to appear on her podcast "Geliebt auf Zeit" ("Temporary Lover"), which she has been doing for a while together with Lenia. I feel quite honored to have been among Luisa's first interview partners in May 2020. (all podcasts are in German)

Temporary Lover
Christmas suprises from the archives: Helena from Cologne (Part 1)
New Year's surprise from the archives: Helena – Not a luxury girl (Part 2)
Helena following her passion – It's about erotic.
Virginity: A Live Escort Experience(Part 1)
Luisa and Helena about their deflowering experiences (Part 2)
Sex Work Episodes: Loneliness, Losing Virginity & Unusual Demands - With Helena

Y-Kollektiv Podcast

Together with Anne Thiele I have recorded a podcast about sex work for the Y-Kollektiv (a media channel by and for young journalists). You can also hear from other people, for example my colleague Bibi Kopp and Rene Piper, who is a social worker supporting and aiding sex workers..

Y-Kollektiv Podcast (ARD - German TV-channel)

The Stigma Of Being A Client

open publication (in German)

The Princess And The Joys Of Darkness

open publication (in German)


Following popular request I decided to publish a few short stories. (in German only)
Seven, to be precise. "Bettgeflüster" (pillow talk) is avaliable as eBook and paperback. An audio book version is in the making as well. Enjoy!

paperback 12,5 x 19cm, 23 pages or as eBook Buy here


Creating an illustration book of oneself means to deeply reflect on yourself and your own body. Your body changes over time, but so does the mindset, the way of looking at the world and the fact of having discovered yourself. The pictures in this book give a cross-section of roughly ten years. Most originate in a time when I consciously started experimenting with and truly acting out my sexuality. Looking at my younger self I tend to envy my beautiful body of those days. The difference between then and now is not only ten years but also ten kg. In recent images I see a more self-conscious and secure Helena. It makes me proud to look back having made difficult choices and having become the women I am today.

Contact me to order the Illustration book incl. written dedication and a voucher for a 30 mins phone date with me.
30 x 30cm, 50 pages, request a quote!